The IncreEdibles Sprint 4 Retrospective

This is Sprint 4 blog post for the IncreEdibles team. Since we have changed our direction of the project. We moved our plan to Theas Food Pantry; we also moved our stories from Trello to Github. We also got the OneCard swipe to work it our program.

On Trello, we have Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Doing, Review and Done. We placed all stories into these categories. By doing this we can assign and to keep track with our work. Product backlog is where the bigger features, big stories. Sprint Backlog is where we place all of the stories, we plan to do during the sprint. The last categories are for the progress and review. But by this way, it is difficult to know which story is task or epic stories. We are also work with other team; we don’t know which stories they are doing because we are not on the same storyboard. So we moved into planning on Github, because we are the first to try out this system. We are tester to set the rules of how the classes operate later. We came across a few problems while set this up. The tag feature in Github is good but we didn’t know where to place our stories. There are two repositories, we got confused to where to place stories on CS-448-Theas-Pantry or LibreFoodPantry/Theas-Pantry. After we test and try it, we think that LibreFoodPantry/Theas-Pantry is for big stories such as Epic and Story. And tanks are what we are working on individual, small tasks to make one story/feature. Other problem is branches, we are not used to work together on one project with many people. There are few people including me still confused about branch, but we will figure it out after using it.

Github have many positive features we need to work on this project. We now can create tasks and share between two groups. We can pick and working issue on our storyboard, also we can view other team board. We able to work on your own branch, without change master branch and review each other work. There is still confusion about the way we setup, but we are moving along. Hopefully we have the set of rules, work system so the future classes have better start. For next sprint, I hope to contribute more to this project. This is really way to understand how software development, we will meet roadblock as team communication , product owner … not just the technical side.

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